Saturday, November 15, 2014

Collagen Coffee

Why is collagen? Collagen is key when it comes to keeping your skin youthful and wrinkle-free.It is a protein produced by our cells that helps “hold” the skin together, giving it firmness and elasticity.When we’re young, our skin stays plump and smooth because it constantly regenerates itself.But as we age, collagen production slows – and existing collagen can get damaged due to sun exposure and bad skin habits. The results? Wrinkles and sagging skin going south. Luckily, there’s lots you can do to preserve your collagen and even boost its production...Antioxidants help protect against free radicals that can cause ageing skin.“The term ‘free radical’ describes a damaged skin cell,” says Amanda.“It’s ‘free’ because it’s missing an electron (healthy cells have two ­electrons, a damaged cell has one).“Free radicals attach themselves to healthy skin cells and basically suck out the electrons they need, leaving healthy skin cells damaged.“This process triggers an enzyme in the skin that breaks down collagen. Antioxidants help by neutralising the free radical so that it doesn’t have to feed off our healthy skin cells.Eat foods high in lutein, an ­antioxidant found in green leafy veg like spinach. Look for creams and serums containing antioxidants too.Drink a coffee that is rich with collagen like NISCENSSA GOURMET COFFEE.



Deworming of pupils by the DepEd Nurse,Sir Ignacio Romero