Tuesday, February 17, 2015

The " BASILICA MINORE"at Manaoag,Pangasinan

            BASILICA MINORE      

      A day worth waiting for, where the seed of faith blossoms into its fullnest .Where blessings can be felt with in the corners of the heart from a  very loving mother ,the Lady of the Rosary of Manaoag .It is this very day , Febuary 17,2015 that the  Vatican  formally proclame  the BASILICA MINORE of the   Shrine of Our Lady of the Rosary of Manaoag. Together by Fr. Roland Mactal, the shrine’s chaplain and  all the priests,  headed by   Cardinals Luis Antonio Tagle,Papal Nuncio Giuseppe Pinto; Orlando Quevedo, and Gaudencio Rosales including more than 30 archbishops and bishops were present during the solemn mass at 4 p.m 

      Months before Pope Francis visited  the Philippines,  He bestowed the title “minor basilica” to the Shrine of Our Lady of the Rosary of Manaoag last  Oct. 11,2014.



   The word “basilica” is derived from a Greek term meaning ‘royal house.’ For Catholics, a basilica is a church building that has been accorded special privileges by the Pope.
 A minor basilica is a significant church in Rome and elsewhere in the world that meets certain criteria and is given special ecclesiastical privileges.It is traditionally named because of its antiquity, dignity, historical value, architectural and artistic worth, and significance as a center of worship.Designation as a basilica indicates a special bond of communion with the Pope, thus the parish must celebrate with particular care the feast of the Chair of Peter on February 22, and the anniversary of the Pope’s election or his inauguration into his pastoral ministry.Three physical signs indicate that a church is a minor basilica: ombrellone or papal umbrella; tintinnabulum or papal bell; and Papal seal.Ombrellone is a silk canopy designed with stripes of yellow and red or traditional papal colors.The tintinnabulation is mounted on a pole and carried along with the ombrellone at the head of the clergy on special   occasions.A minor basilica has the right to display the papal symbol – crossed keys – on banners, furnishings, and on the seal of the basilica itself. 
  Papal Nuncio Giuseppe Pinto; Cardinals Luis Antonio Tagle, Orlando Quevedo, and Gaudencio Rosales including more than 30 archbishops and bishops

     Thousands of devotees  flocked for the solemn proclamation of the Shrine of Our Lady of the Rosary of Manaoag as a minor basilica.Mam Weng Nicer  and Mam Shirley Tersol both Principals of  San Fabian District were there to witness the proclamation of Our Lady of Manaoag as "Basilica Menore"

              Dear Lord , bless each of us, all the visitors of  my site with good health, happiness, success  and bless also  the owners of  these businesses, that they will have a more successful venture to serve your people, keep us safe always  thru the intercession of our Lady of Manaoag, who was already proclaimed as Basilica Minore.Let our faith enkindled and radiate to human race.AMEN




Deworming of pupils by the DepEd Nurse,Sir Ignacio Romero