Wednesday, October 26, 2016

What about ASCENTO.?


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Know the Guide to Different Perfume Types

I'm GRX MAPA, of Pangasinan , an Entrepreneur with

ASCENTO FLIGHT Certificate ,  managing the Ascento 

Mega Center of Mangaldan ,  an active member

 of the newest TOP Filipino Multi Level Marketing Company ,

yes, it is my part time income and ,it is now

 expanding nationwide. Get in FIRST! This is your chance to be  positioned at

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There will be SPILL OVER as promised to you.If you are one of those 

looking for a job,or extra income or business  venture ,this is for you . 

WE JUST DO IT! Join now the fastest growing Team within our Company!

We have good products. Please pay Attention! This is a MLM Business
 Opportunity  and our Packages to start are Php 2999.00 (Premium), 
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Php 600.000 (Mega Center). Nothing to lose if you will try.

 PLEASE be aware to put any comments to warn other 

people that we are a scam!!! Check first and then think 

before you say something what is not true.

Let it be known that our Company is 100% Legal. 

We have all needed Business  Permits etc.  

This is under the leadership/CEO Atty. Marie Liza Chagas .

Together let's make the difference 

                         Visit Ascento Mega Center Mangaldan

Sponsor Name: Maery Grace Mapa

Birds Eye View:

Company Profile
Ascento Marketing Corp. is a fast growing multi-level marketing 
and direct selling company that empowers distributors and leaders
 in making an impact in the industry by maximizing its competitive 
marketing plan, quality products       and excellence in its delivery of services.The corporation is a powerhouse of so many different 
and outstanding companies that unite in the sole purpose of 
making a difference in the network marketing industry by 
exercising utmost diligence in its business endeavors 
Ascento Marketing Corp. with its passionate leaders, competent
 members of the administration and committed partners is 
committed to sustainable business venture that will benefit its 
stakeholdersThe corporation puts top priority in encouraging 
entrepreneurship among            members by providing up to
 date training programs which tackle                    sales and 
marketing, leadership and social and moral responsibilities.
Its mantra, “Your key to success” is an embodiment of
 the aspirations                     of the company in 
achieving its goals to continuously provide business              
ventures that will always remain relevant in all times.
To promote entrepreneurship among Filipinos by providing 
an excellent        platform which produces optimum quality
 of products and ethical business         processes that 
will lead to financial independence that will improve ones           
 quality of life and eventually will contribute to the country’s 
economic growth.
To be the top and most sought after multi-level marketing 
company domestic  and abroad.


Free delivery/shipment at least 1000 pesos any kind of scents :)

 Watch and learn the  ASCENTO MARKETING PLAN
Single account vs. Multiple accounts??


Be one on the top.Be positive .
Single account vs. Multiple accounts???


Sponsor Name: Maery Grace Mapa

DISCLAIMERS: The results and income examples shown on this website are extraordinary. They're designed to give you an idea of what's possible. Individual results may vary and are not guaranteed. Success in any business requires leadership effort, skills, commitment, and dedication.

Sponsor Name: Maery Grace Mapa



by : Domitila L. Mapa,Ph.D

Education means an all-round development of human potential and personality – physical, mental, moral and spiritual. Education, paves the path to knowledge and knowledge leads to wisdom. Merit and excellence should be our watchwords and service to humanity our motto.

Each passing year is a learning experience; it is an endless journey which opens up new vistas of development, where there is neither scope nor room for pettiness, disharmony, jealousy, hatred enmity or complacency. Hence, we must all rise above the rhetoric and endeavor to make the world a better place.

Being a principal is a very stressful job. Principals put in long days, including evening and weekend hours. They are responsible for the well being of hundreds of students, each of whom has special abilities and needs.  New mandates are frequently imposed on already high expectations. Add to that a mountain of paperwork and meetings, queries and complaints from parents, playground and lunchtime duties, and you have the potential for a huge amount of stress.

For seventeen years, as principal in six different schools.Every school experiences had its share of challenges, but an invisible were-all-in-this-together spirit can go a long way toward carrying a school community through the highs and lows of a year.

LISTENING AND R-E-S-P-E-C-T ARE KEY to better working relationship.The ability to stop and listen is an important part of my job because it can result in a happier, more positive environment."Mutual respect fosters an excellent working relationship. When the time comes that there is a difference of opinion, it is not taken personally, and progress can be made.It encourages people to continue to work hard and give 110 percent because they want to live up to the expectations of someone who understands and admires their work.
 There are times that the work is demanding, and at times it can be overwhelming for teachers.I make every effort to remain positive and calm at all times, especially as I respond to potential crisis situations. The teachers -- and pupils-- seem to appreciate that and respond to that approach.I truly believe that no matter what challenges are placed in our paths, we have the power, through positive thinking, to transform negative energy and thoughts.
Teachers appreciate when they see that you try to cultivate traits that improve communication, demonstrate respect, and inspire vision. They say the key to whether those traits take hold school-wide lies in their modeling of them.
Even problems are exciting,, "because they give us an opportunity to think creatively and to learn something new about our abilities to make it successfully through tough times."A smile can  set out to be positive each day, and it works. Visiting classrooms -- not the formal, scheduled teacher observations, but the drop-in visits -- keeps me connected to whats happening throughout my programs and allows me to maintain a pulse on the school. Through visibility and participation, I stay connected to my students and teachers, which goes a long way toward fostering a positive school environment.

But since stress comes with the territory, principals are also masters of dealing with it. They get pretty creative when it comes to finding ways to battle the stress that is "just part of the job.

Some  "15 Ways to Fight Stress."

1.Make time to laugh. "I laugh a lot,"

2. Listen to music. "I keep a few of my favorite Cd's in my office,

3.Keep a "praise file." Meditate. Plan special outside activities to look forward to.

4.Surf the Net.Communicate directly about stress

5.Spend time with pupils.Spend time with friends. "Having a best friend who is a good listener is a great way to relieve stress,"

6.Expand your horizons.Always keep a positive attitude

7.Don't take stress home with you. "To me, the best way to fight stress is to leave it at work," said Les Potter.

8.Enjoy nature. "When I encounter stressful situation, I go for a walk and enjoy nature.

9.Plan to cook a meal. "I love to cook for my family, but there are often evenings when I cannot cook due to sporting events, meetings, and presentations,."

10.Work in the garden. Exercise."When our bodies feel right, our minds work right!"Go for a run.

11.Plan/manage time efficiently. Good planning can help eliminate stress, 

12.Do things with colleagues outside of school. "To reduce stress, I talk -- or network -- with other principals,

13.Plan a work-at-home day. "My greatest stress probably comes from overload 

14.Inspirational tapes. 

15.Take the weekend off! Enjoy it! serve as a role model for taking care of yourself."

"Administrators always have to put aside their own issues and do what is best for pupils  and staff in a caring and sensitive way. We try not to say no to teachers, and we always treat them as adults."

"Developing a positive school climate is critical to an effective school," "Morale is a very tentative issue. You can do 99 things right and make one mistake that will shoot morale forever.We work hard at making things less difficult and complicated. We try to cut down the amount of paperwork our teachers must do, limit the number of staff meetings, streamline procedures.."

Lastly, always have the ABC Book of the Principal's Job .

Sample Test Questions For NQUESH


This is open to all applicants for a Principal 1 position. Passing this test is one of the requirements for appointment to a Principal position.


Those test-takers should have any of the following eligibility:

  • One year as Head Teacher; or
  • Two years as Teacher-in-Charge or Master Teacher; or
  • Five Years as Teacher III or SPED Teacher; or
  • Five years as incumbent public school teachers who has five years of managerial and supervisory experience in a DepEd recognized institution or Commission on Higher Education (CHED) recognized higher education institution.

Coverage of the Test

The examination shall cover situational critical thinking questions relevant to the role of SH in the following domains: School Leadership, Instructional Leadership, Creating Student-Centered Learning Climate, Human Resource Management and Professional Development, Parent Involvement and Community Partnership, School Management and Operations, and Personal and Professional Attributes and Interpersonal Effectiveness.

70% passing grade in all domains is required to pass the examination.
Here are some set of questions that might help you in your road to Principal Position

Qualifying Exam for Principal

1. Recommended practice suggests that which of the following should be involved in the decision making process concerning curriculum?
I. Curriculum expert
II. Boards of education
III. Professional staff
IV. Parents and students

a. I and II only
b. II and III only
c. I, II, and III only
d. I, II, III, and IV
2. Which of the following is the most crucial question to consider in using community resources in the classroom?
a. Can the resources be used by several groups at the same time?
b. Have such resources been overused?
c. Do the resources meet the needs of the program?
d. Would the use of these resources be controversial?
3. The role of a school psychologist would ordinarily NOT include which of the following?
a. Assisting teachers and administrators to develop understanding of the needs and behaviour of students.
b. Determining by observation and assessment the procedures that best help students to learn
c. Assisting faculty in developing procedures for referring students to the school psychologies
d. Assisting teachers by giving demonstration lessons to troublesome groups of students
4. The leader can be most confident that a groups is functioning when
a. Most participants are enjoying the task
b. Interpersonal and organizational conflict do not occur
c. The reward system is more than adequate
d. The participants are interacting with each other on an open basis.
5. Of the following, the best argument for the inclusion of student in special education programs in activities with general education students is the probability that the special education students will
a. Have less need for specialized services in the school they attend
b. Learn more in the cognitive and psychomotor domain
c. Become more competitive with their peers.
d. Receive more individualized attention for the special nature of their disabling condition.
e. Be provided with the least restrictive environment
6. The teaching techniques or methods that are generally considered to have more direct impact on effective feelings are
a. Discussion and dialogue
b. Recitation and independent study
c. Role playing and simulation
d. Questioning and observation
e. Lecturing and demonstration
7. A group of teachers cooperatively plan the best learning situation for a particular student, discuss the plan with the student, and have the student sign the written plan. Which of the following best describes this process?
a. Individualizing unit teaching
b. The contract method
c. Unit teaching with group instruction
d. Programmed instruction
e. Team teaching, individualized instruction with the contract method
8. The primary role of the supervisory or cooperating teacher in the education of the student teacher is most appropriately described as
a. Setting a good example for the student teacher to follow
b. Helping the student teacher develop effective ways of teaching
c. Determining the educational philosophy to be implement by the student teacher
d. Providing the student teacher with information in classroom management techniques.
e. Facilitating the proper placement of the student teacher in his or her initial position.
9. Which of the following is a common pitfall in the shaped decision-making process
a. Group members often a variety of alternatives for consideration
b. Group think develops
c. Investment in the decision making process is increased
d. Decisions are reached too rapidly
e. Staff morale is decreased
10. A high school principal plans to conduct a study to examine the effect of math teachers’ pedagogical styles in the achievement of students in the schools’ advanced mathematics program. Which of the following is the initial step in this process?
a. Consult research relating to teachers’ pedagogical styles and student development
b. Collect data about the performance of students in the advanced mathematics program
c. Determine a format and timeline for reporting the results of the study to faculty members
d. Formulate a question, hypothesis or objective
e. Contact teachers to participate in the study
11. If standardized test data are used in the principals’ study, which of the following should the principal consider to assess the tests’ ability to measure students’ performance across repeated test administrations?
a. Reliability
b. Validity
c. Generalizability
d. Orthogonality
e. Reproducibility
12. Teacher Anne decides skills she wants pupils to learn from the lesson and designs ways to assess how well student have learned and how effectively the activity has been carried out. Teacher Anne uses a set of description of level of performance on each of several aspects of the activity. This is known as ___________
a. Performance checklist
b. Criterion checklist
c. Rubrics
d. Questionnaire
13. Which of the following is not considered in selecting the aims of curriculum?
a. Analysis of culture
b. Consistency of the curriculum with learning theory
c. Validity of knowledge claim
d. The present status of the learner
14. Learning experiences are vital components of curriculum. Which of the following factors must be considered in determining learning experiences?
a. Observability
b. Compatibility
c. Trialability
d. Suitability
15. Although, experiences provided in learning may be varied, they should all lead to the attainment of the same goal where subsequent experiences should build earlier ones. This is known as ___________
a. Consistency learning
b. Compatibility learning
c. Cumulative learning
d. Constructive learning
16. A single learning may bring out many outcomes. Such learning experiences are important because of their multifaceted benefits. This called ___________
a. Multiple learning
b. Divisive learning
c. Constructive learning
d. Constructive learning
17. In selecting contents of curriculum, one must consider the question whether the question the content selected will lead to the acquisition of knowledge and skills needed by the society. This factor called __________
a. Validity
b. Reliability
c. Utility
d. Learnability
18. The EDPITAF revealed that the community and home variables have greater impact on learning than school factors EDPITAF means __________
a. Educational Development Planning Implementing Task Force
b. Educational Development Project Implementing Task Force
c. Educational Division Planning Implementing Task Force
d. Educational Division Project Implementing Task Force
19. The NSEC demonstrates ample evidence of the inclusion of behaviourist psychological principles through the use of behavioural objectives, drills, and homework that reinforce learning. NSEC means ___________
a. National Secondary Education Curriculum
b. National Secondary & Elementary Curriculum
c. New Secondary Education Curriculum
20. A curriculum design that focuses on the combination of two or more subjects within and across disciplines.
a. Humanistic approach
b. Intellectual academic approach
c. Scientific-technical approach
d. Eclectic approach
21. An implementation of curriculum model that focuses on overcoming resistance to change among stakeholders of the curriculum
a. LOC model
b. OD model
c. ORC model
d. RCA model
22. In Technology Integration Program (TIP), teacher Judith looks her current teaching problems and identify technology based methods that may offer good solutions. Which of the following phases does teacher Judith consider?
a. Determine the relative advantage
b. Decide on objectives and assessment
c. Design Integration strategies
d. Prepare the Environment
23. Teacher Jade asks himself “what teaching strategies and activities will work best?” Hence, teacher Jade decides on instructional strategies and how to carry them out. Which of the following must not be considered by Teacher Jade?
a. Instructional Approaches
b. Curriculum Approaches
c. Sequencing
d. Rubrics
24. In determining the relative advantage of the Technology Integration in teaching, the teachers must ensure that the use of technology is consistent with their views of what it means to be a good teacher. This refers to ______
a. Compatibility
b. Complexity
c. Observability
d. Triability
25. Teacher Robert reviews data and Information on technology integrated methods and determine what should be changed to make them work better next time. Which of the following must teacher Robert consider to ensurethat the technology integrated in teaching worked well?
a. Student spends more time trying to make the technology work than on learning the topic.
b. Teacher Robert ca not justify the cost and preparation in terms of benefits to her students
c. Teacher Gemma, the principal of teacher Robert, sees technology activity as a seam less part of the lesson.
d. The problem teacher Robert tries to address is still there.
26. Principal Linda views computers as capable of managing and delivering instruction. Which of the following views does principal Linda adhere?
a. Audio-visual view
b. Vocational training view
c. Computer-based view
d. Instructional System view
27. Teacher Grace decided to integrate Technology into teaching, but before integrating technology in teaching, the following must be considered by Teacher Grace, except
a. Purchase products
b. Develop a philosophy of education
c. Identify the problems
d. Impose prejudices against technology
28. Principal Maduma emphasized reminded the teachers regarding the unique instructional capabilities of integrating technology into teaching, he said, the following are the unique features of technology in facilitating learning EXCEPT
a. Linking learners to information and educational resources
b. Help learners visualize problems and solutions
c. Involves learners into funny experiences
d. Help tracking learners’ progress
29. Teacher Ana tried to convince her fellow teachers to use technology in teaching because of the following reasons stated below: Which of these reason you think teachers do not agree with?
a. Increase teachers’ productivity
b. Support for new instructional approaches
c. Increase fees for computers and laboratories
d. Required skills for an information age
30. Many graduates remained unemployed today, one of the reasons for the ballooning unemployment rate is, graduate do not possess the necessary skills in the information age which of the following is not considered an information age?
a. Technology skills
b. Writing skills
c. Information skills
d. Visual skills
31. When will the K to 12 program be implemented?
a. s/y 2011 – 2012
b. s/y 2012 – 2013
c. s/y 2014 – 2015
d. s/y 2010 – 2011
32. The first batch of high school students to go through K to 12 will graduate in _______
a. March 2015
b. March 2016
c. March 2017
d. March 2018
33. In what school year the grade 11 will be introduced?
a. 2016 – 2017
b. 2017 – 2018
c. 2018 – 2019
d. 2020 – 2021
34. The following are some features of K to 12 curriculum EXCEPT:
a. The K to 12 curriculum is decongested
b. The K to 12 curriculum is seamless
c. The K to 12 curriculum is relevant and responsive
d. The K to 12 curriculum is teacher-centered
35. When the K to 12 curriculum is learner centered?
a. It focuses on the optimum development of the Filipino child
b. It responds to the needs of the community
c. It focuses on understanding for mastery
d. It uses integrative, inquiry-based and constructive approaches to develop the competencies of learners.
36. When the K to 12 program is enriched?
a. It focuses on the optimum development of the Filipino child
b. It responds to the needs of the community
c. It focuses on understanding for mastery
d. It uses integrative, inquiry-based and constructive approaches to develop the competencies of learners.
37. When the K to 12 program is relevant and responsive?
a. Learning will be systematically matched with labor market requirements.
b. It focuses on the optimum development of the Filipino child
c. It responds to the needs of the community
d. It focuses on understanding for mastery
38. According to SEAMEO INNOTECH many Filipino students failed to master the competencies skills necessary for productive life because of the following factors EXCEPT:
a. Limited period of time
b. Fragmented content
c. Disintegrated content
d. Teachers factor
39. When the K to 12 curriculum is decongested?
a. It focuses on understanding for mastery and has removed the unnecessary repeated competencies
b. It focuses on the optimum development of the Filipino child
c. It responds to the needs of the community
d. It uses integrative, inquiry-based and constructive approaches to develop the competencies of learners.
40. One year preschool is now mandatory and is provided for free through ________
a. R. A 10157
b. R. A 10257
c. R. A 10147
d. R. A 10157
41. The following are the benefits of K to 12 curriculum for Filipino learners and their families EXCEPT one:
a. Have more time to master the desired learning competencies
b. They will be given opportunity to learn beyond academic through a career pathways program
c. Graduates will not only gain a high school diploma but they will acquire certificate of competencies
d. Families can’t afford education as the cost of the additional two years in high school.
42. The K to 12 will contribute to economic growth bringing progress to society and to the nation. Research studies show that:
I. Each additional year bring 10% increase in wage earning
II. Longer time spent in education increase likelihood of employment
III. An additional year increases the average 40 year growth rate in Gross Domestic product by about 0.37 percentage points
IV. A year of schooling typically shows a 25- 30 % rate of return
A. I and II only
B. II, III and IV only
C. I, II, and III only
D. I, II, III, and IV
43. Why the K to 12 Program is being designed and implemented?
a. To overcome the inherent limitation of ten year basic education
b. Learning and quantity of education will improved
c. Filipino students learn better
d. Degrees of Filipino are recognized as widely as possible
e. All of the above
44. The Filipino graduates under K to 12 basic curriculum envisioned to :
I. Possess sufficient mastery of basic competencies
II. Be emotionally developed and competent to live a meaningful life
III. Be socially aware, pro-active, and involved in public and civic affairs
IV. Be adequately prepared for the world of work or entrepreneurship
a. I, II, and III only
b. II, III and IV only
c. III and IV only
d. I, II, III, and IV
45. The Filipino graduates under K to 12 basic curriculum program are characterized as graduates who:
I. Possess healthy mind and body
II. Have a solid moral and spiritual grounding
III. Appreciate and care for humanity, the world, and environment
IV. Are proud to be a Filipino
a. IV only
b. I, II, and III only
c. II, III, and IV only
d. I, II, III and IV
46. K to 12 basic curriculum is carried out under the principles of:
a. Inclusive education
b. Learner’s growth and development
c. Teaching and learning
d. Assessment
e. All of the above
47. The K to 12 basic Education Curriculum is outcome-based as it prepares learners for:
a. Higher education
b. Middle level skills
c. Employment
d. All of the above
48. In what school year was the universal kindergarten implemented?
a. s/y 2011 – 2012
b. s/y 2012 – 2013
c. s/y 2013 – 2014
d. s/y 2014 – 2015
49. the medium of instruction should be used from kindergarten to grade III
a. mother tongue
b. Filipino
c. English
d. Bilingual
50. In what grade level the bridging or transition to Filipino and English as language of instruction will be introduced?
a. Kindergarten
b. Grade I
c. Grade II
d. Grade III
51. An Act requiring all elementary and secondary schools to adopt policies to prevent and address the act of bullying in their institution?
a. R. A 10627
b. R. A 10762
c. R. A 10276
d. R. A 10672
52. Which of the following are the principles which guided the framing of the NCBS-SH?
a. Function-based
b. responsive
c. impartial
d. coherent
e. all of the above
53. The three stages of strategic management are
a. Strategy formulation, strategy implementation, and strategy evaluation
b. Strategy formulation, strategy execution, and strategy evaluation
c. Strategy assessment, strategy execution, and strategy evaluation
d. Strategy formulation, strategy implementation, and strategy execution
54. How often should strategic management activities be performed?
a. Annually
b. Quarterly
c. Monthly
d. Continuously
55. Conducting research, integrating intuition with analysing and making decision are all __________ activities.
a. strategy formulation
b. strategy implementation
c. long-ranged planning
d. short ranged planning
56. _________ are the means by which long term objectives well be achieved.
a. Mission statement
b. Strategic
c. Vision statement
d. Long term goals
57. Strategic management allows an organization to be more
a. Complacent
b. Proactive
c. Authoritarian
d. Reactive
58. ___________ may be the most important benefit of strategic management
a. Profit
b. Commitment
c. Understanding
d. Order
59. _________ is one of the reasons for poor or not strategic planning in organizations
a. Prior good experience
b. Fear of success
c. Low expense
d. Self-interest
60. The trait approach to leadership assumes that leaders
a. Are taught, not born
b. Possess certain attributes
c. Should take a laid back approach to influencing
d. Should listen and adapt communication strategies to others
61. Which of the following is not a strategy to help a group or team reach consensus?
a. Listen
b. Work as quickly as possible
c. Promote honest dialogue
d. Be goal oriented
62. When participating in a meeting, one way to ensure that you interact with others effectively is to
a. Support your ideas with evidence
b. Organize your ideas in a face-form approach
c. Avoid connecting your comment to others
d. Make several points simultaneously
Mr.Capalaran has just been hired as the new principal of Caditaan Elementary School. He wants to begin his new position on a positive note. To accomplish this, he develops the following plan.
1. Holds a series of meetings with faculty at the beginning of the school year to encourage teachers to air their views regarding campus strengths and needs and possible strategies for improving the functioning of the campus.
2. Work with teachers to begin developing a vision statement for the future of the campus and to identify key goals linked to that vision.
3. Form teams of teachers who will develop a specific plan to achieve one of the goals agreed upon in step 2.
63. An important benefit of the meetings described in step 1 is most likely to include
a. Giving Mr.Capalaran a chance to define for staff his sense of mission for the learning community
b. Showing his leadership style and expectations for the campus teachers and staff
c. Providing Mr.Capalaran with a source of information for evaluating campus needs
d. Prompting the teachers to reflect on their current professional knowledge and skills
64. Which of the following criteria would be important to consider in evaluating the effectiveness of plans implemented as a result of step 3?
I. Milestone and a timetable for implementation of the plan are in the place
II. Data or anecdotal evidence as available to measure success
III. The faculty has reached consensus about the plan’s success
IV. Learning community members who are implementing the plans
a. I and II only
b. I, II and IV only
c. II and III only
d. II, III, and IV only
65. The greatest benefit of step 3 is that it is likely to
a. Encourage innovation and creative problem solving to achieve educational excellence
b. Facilitate the identification of faculty members to spearhead the implementation of specific action plans
c. Prompt staff to define and use agreed upon criteria to self-assess their performance
d. Allow correlation of student learning with the use of specific teaching practices.
66. Mr.Capalaran’s plan is likely to be most effective in
a. Challenging teachers to articulate standards they can use to evaluate their own instruction
b. Clarifying opportunities and challenges likely to arise
c. Fostering among teachers a sense that they share a common goal
d. Defining teachers’ personal responsibilities in fulfilling the learning community’s mission
67. Mr.Capalaran’s plan could probably best improved by
a. Clarifying his own desired outcomes for the purposed changes
b. Delegating greater authority and control to the faculty
c. Formally assessing the effectiveness of group processes between steps
d. Involving parents, students and other staff in the process
68. Which of the following would be the most appropriate first step for the principal staff to engage in a process of instructional improvement and change?
a. Meet informally with individual teachers and remind them of the importance of participating in efforts to improve instructional at the school
b. Arrange to provide a stipend or other financial incentives to teachers who plan and implement changes in their instructional programs
c. Analyse student performance data with teachers and help them identifying instructional areas that should be modified
d. Ask teachers to develop campus goals for instructional improvement and criteria for evaluating whether the goals have been achieved
69. Which of the following would represent unethical behaviour by a school principal?
a. A student’s parent informs the school principal that the student has made a suicide attempt, and the principal provides the information to the students’ classroom teacher and guidance counsellor
b. After a school District announces plans to make budget cuts, a school’s principal tries to influence district supervisor to reconsider their plans
c. A school principal denies a request by several faculty members to be relieved of occasional bus-monitoring duties
d. At a social gathering, a teacher asks her school’s principal about an acquitance who interviewed for a teaching job and the principal comments in the candidate’s status.
70. The principal observes that some teachers are reluctant about technology initiatives and are reluctant to implement technology-based instruction in their classroom. Which of the following responses from the principal would most likely to be effective in engaging these teachers in the technology initiative?
a. Encouraging the reluctant teachers to participate in additional staff development sessions to strengthen their technology skills.
b. Meeting with the reluctant teachers to reiterate the benefits of integrating technology into the campus curriculum
c. Arranging for teachers who are successfully using the new technologies to serve as models and mentors for the reluctant teachers
d. Offering to support the reluctant teachers by personally observing their use of the new technologies and providing constructive feedback
71. Schools are similar to other organizations in that:
a. Coordination of effort must be arranged
b. Rewards and punishment are completely extrinsic
c. Goals are always made explicit
d. All of the above correct
72. What does the assertion ‘SCHOOL EXISTION SOCIAL CONTEXT” mean?
a. Schools are complex social institution
b. There are several embedded features surrounding and within schools that affect what goes on
c. Schools are mainly school institution are relatively free from outside influence
d. There are few embedded features within schools that affect them
73. The school community Council for Baya Elementary School wrote the following set of school goals:
• Student achievement is our highest priority high expectations should be set students should receive high academic learning time and frequent homework
• Outstanding student achievement should be publicly rewarded
• Student should be taught to be good citizen. They should learn to cooperate and work together on community projects. They should take many fields trips to business and government in order to have a thorough understanding of how our society operates
What do these goals illustrate about the nature of school goals?
a. School goals must be continuously revised
b. School goals often conflict with one another
c. Involving community member in goal setting is ill-advised
d. Students should not be excluded from the goal setting process
74. Teacher Mario, a new teacher, has received lots of help from the experienced staff such as pointers on how to fill out request form, troubleshooting the copy machine. Now that he’s settled into the school routine, he has found he’s having some difficulty in coming up with enrichment activities for his gifted student. At first he planned on approaching one of the experienced teachers for assistance, but now somehow feels strongly, though he’s not sure why, that is wouldn’t be right thing to do. Which of the following statements best account for this situation?
a. Teacher Mario realize that most teachers don’t have much expertise in designing curriculum for the gifted
b. Teacher Mario is aware that experienced teachers just don’t have time, once the school year gets started, to give any assistance to beginning teachers.
c. Teacher Mario, probably feels that gifted student are not be priority, and the best use of his time is to focus on the academically less able children.
d. Teacher Mario has been socialized to the “hand-off” and autonomy norms in many schools.
75. Which of the following statements is an example of a contradiction in the role of expectations of teachers? Teachers feel uncertain about ….
a. When to give one child extra attention when it means slowing down the rest of the class as well.
b. How many extracurricular activities to sponsor
c. The academic context, scope, and sequence for their courses
d. Whether to ask other teachers for assistance in solving classroom management problems.
76. A school consultant has been called in by the Parent Association, they want her advice on how to improve their school. The building is run down and poorly maintained, there is low attendance by students, students misconduct is high, student achievement is low. On the basis of the “ schools effectiveness research” how should the consultant advise the parent?
a. Focus first on the parent education, because family background is the most important variables in student achievement.
b. Focus first on improving the physical condition of the building, because people have a basic right to a secure and well-functioning physical environment.
c. Focus first on improving academic support facilities upgrading the library and so on, because the school’s first order of business is learning.
d. Focus first on the improving the school’s social climate, because it is this factor that determines the success or failure of other efforts to improve student learning.
77. Which of the following statements is true about the way teachers spend their professional time?
a. Teachers spend less than half of their time on direct instructional activities
b. Teachers spend more than half of their time on direct instructional activities
c. Teachers are very ineffective in their use of time
d. None of the above
78. A study was conducted comparing the achievement, attendance, and behaviour of students in five schools. Schools were ranked in each domain as follows:
Student Information
School name Achievement Attendance Behaviour
A 1 2 1
B 3 1 2
C 2 3 3
D 4 4 4
E 5 5 5
What can be said about the correlation between achievement, attendance and behaviour in this study?
a. The correlation is moderate and negative
b. The correlation is moderate and positive
c. The correlation is negligible
d. It appears that no relationship exist
79. The result of the study presented in question #78
a. Confirm three decades of school effectiveness research
b. Disconfirm three decades of school effectiveness research
c. Are consistent with the school effectiveness research
d. Both a and c
80. Which of the following is one of the features of the social organization of effective schools?
a. Relationship among the staff are characterized by collaboratively
b. Student receive high academic learning time
c. A wide variety of learning style in represented in the student population
d. The superintendent hosts many social functions
81. Which of the following is one of the features of instructions and curriculum effective schools?
a. The principal exerts strong leadership
b. School goals are clearly stated
c. Students enjoy coming to school
d. Foreign language forms a strong components of the curriculum
82. Which of the following is not a way teachers should involve parents in the schooling process?
a. Assist at classroom celebrations
b. Individually tutor students who are having difficulty
c. Record grades
d. Assist with field trips
83. Which of the following features is true about schools as organization?
a. Schools have very specific and clear goals
b. Schools are tightly coupled to other aspects of their environment
c. Citizens can easily voice their opinions and views in schools
d. Schools are usually politically envisible
84. Which of the following attributes would least likely be found in an effective school?
a. Teachers hold high expectations for students
b. Teachers acknowledge student weaknesses and realize that they cannot reach every child
c. Teachers and other adults in the school develop and work in interdependent and collaborative ways
d. All of the above
85. Which of the following responsibilities of a school principal most clearly reflects the concept of representative governance?
a. Applying the most up to date research on best practices in education when formulating school policy
b. Formulating school policies that are fair and can be applied equally to all members of a diverse student body.
c. Balancing the varying interests of the large number of stakeholders who have a voice in formulating school policy
d. Formulating school policies that help prepare students for playing active roles as citizens.
86. Which of the following actions by the principal would most effectively motivate teachers to show their ideas about the mission statement?
a. Creating an atmosphere of thrust by emphasizing that the contributions of all participants are respectful and appreciated
b. Delegating responsibility for revising each part of the mission statement to teachers who have the greatest experience with that subject
c. Providing frequent praise for the teachers who participate most in the process of revising the mission statement
d. Stressing that all members of the educational community are equally obligated to help develop and revise the schools’ mission statement.
87. When articulating a new school vision to the media and members of the school community, it would be most important for the principal to:
a. Provide an estimate of the financial and human resources that will be necessary to implement the new vision.
b. Identify some of the specific ways that implementation of the new vision well improve educational programs at the school
c. Summarize the process used to gather, evaluate and apply stakeholder input in developing new vision
d. Discuss the reasons why the previous school vision was inadequate to meet the current educational needs of the school.
88. Who are the disciplining authorities in DepED?
I. DepED secretary
II. Regional Director
III. Division Superintendent
IV. Division Legal officer
a. I and II ony
b. I, II, and III only
c. II, and I only
d. I, II, and IV only
89. Supposing the parent Teachers Association (PTA) filed before the office of Dr. X the Division Superintendent of the Province of XI a complaint for dishonesty againstMr. T, a public school teacher of Y East Central School. Acting on said complaint Superintendent X issues an order directing Mr. A the administrative Officer of the Division Office to conduct a fact-finding investigation on the said complaint. Is the order proper? WHY / WHY NOT?
a. Yes, because he is the superintendent
b. No, because the complaint has not been heard yet
c. Yes, the superintendent has disciplinary authority over teachers
d. No, because the disciplining authority in the DepED for administrative against teachers is the Regional director
90. Which of the following are the criteria for designating a cooperating school on the deployment of student teacher?
I. It is above average performing school in academics
II. Has a master teacher/effective teacher
III. Accessible to the student teacher
IV. Managed by at least a part-time administrator
a. I and IV only
b. I, III and IV only
c. II, III and IV only
d. I, II, and III only
91. Which of the following are the criteria for the selection of cooperating teacher?
I. Has at least 3 years of teaching experience
II. Has at least a performance rating of very satisfactory (VS) for the last three years
III. Has been a demonstration teacher at least on the school level
IV. Substitute or a para-teacher
a. I, and III only
b. I, and II only
c. I, II, and III only
d. I, II, III and IV only
92. The following are the duties and responsibilities of the cooperating School Principal EXCEPT:
a. Assign a student teacher to a qualified cooperating teacher
b. Meet regularly with cooperating teachers and student-teacher
c. See to it that student teacher are allowed to substitute for teachers who are absent or on leave
d. Conduct regular conference with the cooperating teachers as regards to the performance of the student teacher
93. What are the duties and responsibilities of the Mentors/cooperating teachers:
I. Observe mentor/mentee relationship
II. Assist the student teachers in honing their relationship
III. Observe, coach/mentor and evaluate the performance of the student teacher
IV. Provide the student teacher to substitute for teacher who are absent
V. Provide the student teacher the opportunity to teach independently an collaboratively
a. I, III, and IV only
b. II, III, and V only
c. I, II, III, and V only
d. I, II, III, IV and V
94. To what activities may service credits be granted?
i. Services rendered in connection with the conduct of remedial classes during summer outside of regular schooldays
ii. Services rendered during schools sport competitions held outside of regular schooldays
iii. Assignment to checking forms and finishing reports commonly required in connection with the opening and closing of classes
iv. Services rendered in connection with early opening of the school year
v. In-service training program fully funded by the government
a. I, II, and III only
b. I, II, and IV only
c. II, III and V only
d. III, IV and V only
95. To what activities may service credits not be granted?
I. Services rendered I connection with the conduct of remedial classes during summer outside of regular schooldays
II. Services rendered during school sports competitions held outside of regular schooldays
III. Assignment to checking forms and finishing reports commonly required in connection with the opening and closing of classes
IV. Services rendered in connection with early opening of the school year
V. In-service training program fully funded by the government
a. III and V only
b. I and II only
c. I, II, and III only
d. II, III, IV and V only
96. The utilization of MOOE funds is authorized to the following expenditures EXCEPT:
a. Developing, printing and distributing teachers’/facilitators’ guide, students’/learners workbook
b. Training of teachers and hiring of specialist
c. Procurement of necessary school’s furniture and equipment
d. Other auxiliary services including advocacy work
97. It is the effective use of more than two languages for literacy and instruction
a. Mother tongue – Based Multilingual Education
b. Alternative Learning System
c. Bureau of Alternative Learning System
d. Multi grade classes
98. It is a principle which organizes that every unit in the education Bureaucracy has a particular role, task and responsibilities inherent in the office and for which it is principally accountable for outcomes.
a. Shared governance
b. School-Based Management
c. Accountability and Transparency
d. School Adopt Program
99. What shall be observed in Decision Making process at appropriate levels?
a. The process of democratic consultation
b. The process of equal opportunity
c. Accountability and transparency
d. Accountability, responsibility and transparency
100. What shall be established to ensure coordination and open communication the central office with the regional, division and school levels?
a. Feedback mechanism
b. Principles of transparency
c. Accountability and transparency
d. Principles of pedagogy
101. What shall be operationalized in the performance of functions and responsibilities at all levels?
a. The principles of accountability
b. The principles of andragogy
c. The principle of transparency
d. The principle of accountability and transparency
102. It shall be responsible for providing services related to, supplies and equipment and shall take change of collection and disbursement of funds, security and custodial work
a. Administrative
b. Office of the director
c. General service division
d. Office of the Division Superintendent
103. Which of the following DOES NOT belong to the function and duties of school principal?
a. Setting the mission, vision, goals and objectives of the school;
b. Shall have direct supervision over the conduct of election of the Homeroom PTA officer
c. Accepting donations for the purpose of upgrade teachers’ learning facilitators’ competence
d. Encouraging staff development
104. Who is the disciplining authority for administrative actions against teaching personnel in the public school?
a. Principal
b. Superintendent
c. Regional director
d. District Supervisor
105. Who is the disciplining authority for administrative actions against non-teaching personnel in the public school?
a. Principal
b. Superintendent
c. Regional Director
d. District Supervisor
106. Who is empowered to transfer a public school teacher from one school to another school?
a. Principal
b. Superintendent
c. Regional director
d. District supervisor
107. Who are the disciplining authority for administrative actions against teaching personnel including school principal in the DepEd.?
I. President
II. Superintendent
III. Regional Director
IV. DepED Secretary
a. II and III only
b. III and IV only
c. I, II, and III only
d. I, III, and IV only
108. In the event that transfer of teachers shall be implemented, the following may serve as a guide in the Decision on whom to transfer EXCEPT one:
a. Performance rating
b. Residents of the barangay or municipality where the school is located
c. Residents of the barangay or municipality of the proposed recipient school
d. Secondary school teachers teaching subjects other than their areas of specialization
109. Which is the following situation should be given priority when teachers are seeking transfer to another station which is in need of additional teachers?
a. R. A 4670
b. P. D. 605
c. R. A 8190
d. All the above
110. A nurturing process in which a skilled and more experienced person provides support and encouragement to a less experienced person.
a. Mentoring
b. Coaching
c. Teaching
d. Delegating
111. The teacher is a bonafide resident of the barangay, municipality, city or province where the recipient school is located, otherwise known as:
a. R. A 8190
b. P. D 603
c. R. A 4670
d. R. A 9155
112. The proper disciplining authority way preventively suspend any subordinate officer or employee under his jurisdiction if the charge against such officer or employee involves:
a. Nepotism
b. Discourtesy
c. insubordination
d. All of the above
113. The Alternative Learning System (ALS) utilizes the Science of Adult Learning known as
a. Montessori approach
b. Principle of andragogy
c. Principle of learning
d. Principle of pedagogy
114. A disciplining authority may dismiss a complaint if:
a. The complaint is sufficient in form and substance
b. There is obviously no truth or merit to the allegation therein
c. The complaint is in accordance with the required form
d. A complaint contain a certification or statement in non-forum shopping
115. The PTA’s programs and projects shall be in line with the school Improvement Plan . Such collection shall be made by the PTA subject to the following conditions EXCEPT one:
a. The contributions should be a reasonable amount as may be determined by the PTA board of directors
b. Non-payment of contributions by the parent-member shall not be a basis for non-admission to the child by the school concerned
c. The contributions shall be collected by the PTA treasurer on a per pupils basis
d. No teacher or any school shall be involved in such collection activities
116. Which of the following is a vision and a holistic program of reforms that aims at improving the quality of basic education for every Filipino by 2015?
a. K to 12 program
b. Education for All
c. School-Based Management Program
d. Schools First Initiative
117. Which of the following is the government strategy for improving basic education known as “thousand flowers bloom” movement?
a. K to 12
b. EFA
c. SBM
d. SFI
118. When the School Governing Council effective?
a. Continuously makes a difference in their student learning
b. Commits to fulfil their role as a link in school level governance
c. Recognizes differences among its constituents and appreciates all view points
d. Strives to respond to the needs and aspirations of the community they serve
119. Which of the following is not a function of school head in the School Governing Council?
a. Serves as the Chief Executive Officer of the council
b. Establish school and community networks
c. Encourage the active involvement of school community stakeholders in school improvement process
d. All decisions of the School Governing Council shall conform to existing laws done by the school head
120. It is a document that outlines the vision, values, goals targets, strategies and resources in school improvement, known as:
a. SIP
b. GIP
c. SGC
d. IPP
121. School Improvement Plan (SIP) is developed in a participatory manner by the School Planning Team and representative from group of school community stakeholders. Who is the responsible to decides on the membership of the School Planning Team?
a. School head
b. Parent Teacher’s Association
c. School Governing Council
d. PTA board of directors
122. The Steps in the preparation of the School Improvement Plan
a. Writing the school Improvement Plan
b. Collecting organizing and Analyzing School Data
c. Formulating the 3 year WFP and Annual Implementation Plan
d. Communicating the School Improvement Plan
e. Identifying Core values & formulating the Vision & Mission
f. Determining the school Goals & Objectives
g. Developing the school’s Monitoring & Evaluation Plan
The third step should be _________________
The last step should be _________________
The first step should be _________________
The fourth step should be ________________
The second step should be _______________
The fifth step should be _________________
The sixth step should be _________________
123. What phrase is used when endorsing a communication
to an office of higher rank _______________
to an office of equal rank _______________
to a subordinate _______________________
a. Respectfully forwarded to
b. Respectfully transmitted to
c. Respectfully referred to
124. Is there a complimentary close in each of the three endorsements? Why?
INSTRUCTIONS: Your task is to rank the five alternative courses of action under each of the four cases below, from the most desirable or appropriate way of dealing with the conflict situation to the least desirable. Rank the most desirable course of action “1”, the next most desirable “2”, and so on, ranking the least desirable or least appropriate action “5”. Enter your rank for each item in the space next to each choice.
125. Mr. Cruz, school principal of Maligaya East District has noticed that tony, the clerk from the west District regularly drops by his office to chat with Lita, his typist. Unfortunately, Lita’swork is often late being done with the other office personnel are beginning to resent the non-break time chatter. If you were Mr. Cruz, you would:
A. Talk to Lita and tell her to limit her conversations during on-the-job time
B. Ask the supervisor of the other district to tell Tony to stay in line
C. Approach Lita, find out what is going on, and discuss your expectations
D. Say nothing now; it would be silly to make something big out of something so insignificant
E. Try to put the rest of the office personnel at ease; it is important that they all work well together
126. As a school principal, Mrs Santos has encouraged her teacher to make effective and workable suggestions for increasing pupil performance level. On separate occasions, two of her teachers approached her with different suggestions for innovative methods of increasing pupil performance. Mrs. Santos sees the value of both sides, although the suggestions were very different methods and both individuals think theirs is the best. Each of the two is very keen on having his suggestion endorsed and adopted by the school. If you were Mrs. Santos, you would:
a. Decide which suggestion you will endorse, then announce your decision to the two teacher.
b. Wait and see; the best suggestion will become apparent
c. Tell the two district supervisors not to get uptight about their disagreement; it is not that important
d. Get the two teachers and examine both their ideas closely.
e. Try one suggestion for one semester, and the other at a later date for an equal period of time
127. Jose, a janitor, is in-charge of keeping the CRs in the principal’s and district supervisor’s offices spotlessly clean first thing in the morning, after recess and before the first period in the afternoon. For sometimes, you, the principal have noticed that he has not been doing his job properly due to his frequent tardiness and absent-mindedness on the job. He is almost always late and vanishes at odd hours of the day. You suspect that he is taking drugs on the job or at least working under the influence of drugs. You feel that you have some strong indications but you don’t have a clear cut case. You would:
a. Confront Jose outright, tell him what you suspect and ask why and that you are concerned for him, and ask how you might help.
b. Ask that he keep his habit off the job, what he does on the job is part of your business
c. Not confront the individual right now, it might either ‘Turn him off” or drive him underground
d. Give Jose the “facts of life”, tell him it is illegal and unsafe and that if he gets caught you will do everything you can to see that he is fired.
e. Keep a close eyes on Jose to see that he is not endangering himself or others
1. D
2. C
3. D
4. D
5. C
6. C
7. E
8. B
9. B
10. D
11. B
12. C
13. C
14. C
15. C
16. A
17. C
18. B
19. C
20. B
21. C
22. A
23. D
24. A
25. C
26. C
27. D
28. C
29. C
30. B
31. A
32. D
33. A
34. D
35. A
36. D
37. A
38. D
39. A
40. C
41. D
42. D
43. E
44. D
45. D
46. E
47. D
48. B
49. A
50. D
51. A
52. E
53. A
54. D
55. A
56. B
57. C
58. D
59. B
60. B
61. A
62. C
63. B
64. A
65. C
66. C
67. D
68. C
69. D
70. C
71. A
72. B
73. B
74. D
75. A
76. D
77. B
78. B
79. D
80. A
81. B
82. C
83. C
84. B
85. C
86. A
87. B
88. B
89. D
90. D
91. C
92. C
93. E
94. B
95. A
96. C
97. A
98. A
99. A
100. A
101. D
102. A
103. B
104. C
105. B
106. B
107. B
108. B
109. D
110. A
111. A
112. D
113. B
114. B
115. C
116. B
117. D
118. A
119. D
120. A
121. C
122. F, d, b, c, e,
G, a
123. Forwarded
124. NO

Referrence :

    August 25, 2015

National Competency Based Teacher Standards (NCBTS)

 The  Department of Education (DepEd) is strengthening its reading program through 
the implementation of the Early Language, Literacy, and Numeracy Program.
Guided by the  DO 12, s. 2015 - Guidelines on the Early Language, Literacy, and Numeracy Program: Professional Development Component and DO 32, s. 2011 - Policies and Guidelines on Training and Development (T&D) Programs and Activities

The NCBTS  Framework  allows teachers to self-assess their own performance against the Competency Standards in order to identify areas of strength as well as areas that need to be developed further in order for them to function more effectively as facilitators of learning.”

If we looked into the seven ( 7)  domains Identified by the Department of Education (DepEd)where in   the learners are forced to memorize a long list of items, in order to be able to answer in the Objective Type quizzes and Exams.
 These is the Mechanical type of learning, where students would simply do the same thing (memorize) and be able to answer the same type of exam or questioning method in a heartbeat without even knowing the deeper part of it or can’t even explain the answer.

LOTS (lower order thinking skills) :
Knowledge, Application, Comprehension
However, in the HOTS intensive teaching, the students would answer the types of questions like, “What are the contribution of the Space Program to our present generation?” or “Compare and Contrast the knowledge and understanding of humans before the space age and during the space age?”
These types of questions, enables the learners to think critically and explain his/her answer and to demonstrate actively in a manner that their understanding will show the deep knowledge they have learned in the classroom.
HOTS (higher order thinking skills)

Analysis, Synthesis, Evaluation
With all these in mind, the Department of Education realized (at last!) that a Paradigm shift is needed in order to change the system from the traditional ways into the so called 21st century globally standard teacher.
The latest trend is to Empower the teachers, the front-liners in education, the deliverers of knowledge,and facilitators of learning in the process of developing a curriculum, that would reflect the Competencies, teachers and students alike should possess and reflective of the Social Dimension of education. That learning should not be limited to Fraction or Poem writing but rather adopting it to the real life applications and experiences that the learner may or has experienced.

Domain 1. Social Regard for Learning (SRFL)
The SRFL domain focuses on the ideal that teachers serve as positive and powerful role models of the value in the pursuit of different efforts to learn. The teacher’s action, statements, and different types of social interactions with students exemplify this ideal.
Domain 2. Learning Environment (LE)
This domain focuses on importance of providing a social, psychological and physical environment within which all students, regardless of their individual differences in learning, can engage in the different learning activities and work towards attaining high standards of learning
Domain 3. Diversity of Learners (DOL)
The DOL domain emphasizes the ideal that teachers can facilitate the learning process even with diverse learners, by recognizing and respecting individual differences and by using knowledge about their differences to design diverse sets of learning activities to ensure that all learners can attain the desired learning goals.
Domain 4. Curriculum (Curr.)
The curriculum domain refers to all elements of the teaching-learning process that work in convergence to help students understand the curricular goals and objectives, and to attain high standards of learning defined in the curriculum. These elements include the teacher’s knowledge of subject matter and the learning process, teaching-learning approaches and activities, instructional materials and learning resources.
Domain 5. Planning, Assessing & Reporting (PAR)
This domain refers to the alignment of assessment and planning activities. In particular, the PAR focuses on the (1) use of assessment data to plan and revise teaching-learning plans;
(2) integration of assessment procedures in the plan and implementation of teaching-learning activities, and (3) reporting of the learners’ actual achievement and behavior.
Domain 6. Community Linkages (CL)
The LC domain refers to the ideal that classroom activities are meaningfully linked to the experiences and aspirations of the learners in their homes and communities. Thus, this domain focuses on teachers’ efforts directed at strengthening the links between schools and communities to help in the attainment of the curricular goals.
Domain 7. Personal Growth & Professional Development (PGPD)
The PGPD domain emphasizes the ideal that teachers value having a high personal regard for the teaching profession, concern for professional development, and continuous improvement as teachers.




Deworming of pupils by the DepEd Nurse,Sir Ignacio Romero