Sunday, November 6, 2016

Dedicated to Teachers and OFWs

Dedicated to Teachers and OFWs

by Domitila L. Mapa,Ph.D

This page is dedicated to all,specially Teachers and OFWs who are interested in making extra income through joining the Ascento Business venture

Your 2999 Pesos can get you started on your journey to financial independence.Learn how to do it through joining in the Ascento Business. Just open your mind for the business while enjoying your work.

Does your ATM sold already? Have you been having sleepless nights thinking where to get additional weekly budget for our family, tuition fee for our children, you are thinking as well  how to augment your income to live the comfortable life you've been dreaming of?

Have you thought of investment, but don’t actually know how to start and how it works?

Congratultions!!! because you’re now

 here at the right place


Why Ascento Business?
And do you think that the ascento business is for those who like to sell perfume or wealthy people and not for a teacher or an OFW like yourself?
You’re not alone. I myself, many years ago thought that way, too. 
Years ago, I thought I've found the answers to my question on how to have additional income which does not stress me . So, I tried a buy and sell business - a small time franchising business. Unfortunately, with the demands of my day job as a teacher and due to lack of experience as well, obviously, it didn't go well. I even ended to high interest loans. Government loans were denied due to none deduction in the pay slip,Life then is so terrible.
So every now and then I joined in net workings, yes I'm earning but little, Until One Saturday , they introduced Ascento Parfum Business .I grab the opportunity but quite  lukewarm about it, sometimes trusting is difficult but I purchased one package.

But after attending series of seminars I realized that joining here  is not complicated at all, and that anyone can earn quite good .
It really was an answered prayer becasue I saw opportunities for my money to grow exponentially over time while doing my job. I’m no longer stressed out how to manage our weekly budget since the salary comes on monthly basis. Unlike before that I have to rush after work to physically carry the goods, sort items out and put them in big boxes and ship them to customers.

I  started to have multiple accounts after  few months ago and I actually saw how is gradually changing my financial life.

Here’s a fact: Buying one pack is not about how big or small your earnings is but it is important that you have started your journey.

May I ask these questions?
  • How many years have you been working?
  • How much was your first monthly Income?
  • How much is your salary now?
  • Were you able to save as your income grows?
If not, when will you start changing your financial life?
Will you be one of those teachers who almost have nothing after retirement because most of the retirement pay has been used up to pay their loans?
Will you be one of those OFWs that after working abroad for decades, they go home with nothing because they have sent and spent all their money while abroad?
From my experience, I’ve only got to have at least 2 days a week to work a financial miracle in my life. At least 2 days a week is all it takes.
I talked to friends/ fb friends and other acquaintances  which can be done all online, in the comfort of my room, or in restaurant  during class dismissal..
I even do all my online transactions on my smartphone while resting in the classrooms during short breaks. And that’s it.
See, while I’m earning by physically teaching in the classrooms, my money in the Ascento Business is also helping me earn.
But, this wasn’t easy. There were days when I start convincing myself not to continue anymore —because of some personal reasons. But with firm decision to reach my goal, I disciplined myself to regularly market and to network.
If you have a specific goal and have a deep understanding why you’re doing it, then it  will become a lifestyle
 But wait, before you begin
I’d like to warn you that this may not be for you.
This isn’t for you if you’re looking for a quick way to make millions.
If you are a teacher and an OFW - willing enough to INVITE  , TRAIN and DUPLICATE  —then this must be for you.
Joining this kind of business isn't a quick-rich scheme so don’t expect to gain your return of investment after a week or after a month.
This is  a network marketing, so start thinking and planning which friend you are going to invite and become a member..
This is YOU directly joining the business venture.
This is YOU directly managing your business.
This is YOU directly responsible for your FINANCIAL INDEPENDENCE.


So here’s my big question for you:
What will you do this year to start growing your finances? Will you do something now? Or will you just wait the promised bonuses or end up to loan here and loan there.
If you want the CHANGE to come to you, attend Ascento Product Presentation. You have NOTHING TO LOSE, you only have SOMETHING TO GAIN. 


I suggest that if you’re serious in learning to invest.Let's talk now business.
Meet  Mr. Benjamin Ordona, an accountant by profession ,he is the husband of the La Union Branch Manager Mrs.Cristy Ordona.They are very hard working and very supportive partners.

Ascento Marketing Plan

Meet the Management 

CEO Atty Marie Liza Chagas 

Choose what package do you want to start 
and the benefits of being a member 

You can earn through direct selling 
with 40% lifetime discount 

                   You can earn through
                        Referrals Bonus  

You can earn throughLeadership 
Bonus /Pass UP

You can earn through Sales Match Bonus

   You can earn through Multiple Accounts 


Make a decision and take action....

What are you waiting for? Ask your 
entry pack now and start your journey.
You can call 09076304727

DISCLAIMERS: The results and income examples shown on this website are extraordinary. They're designed to give you an idea of what's possible. Individual results may vary and are not guaranteed. Success in any business requires leadership effort, skills, commitment, and dedication.




Deworming of pupils by the DepEd Nurse,Sir Ignacio Romero