Friday, June 16, 2017

The School Head of Change

The School Head of Change
Principal III

Growing up in a beautiful and peaceful town of Mangaldan, teachers were revered and respected for the work that they did with students, and they always made an effort to connect with parents to bring them in on the learning process of their child, not just with developing intelligence, but developing students as people.  The notion of, “it takes a village”, is something that I believe in deeply, and believe that it is more important now than ever.

            As an administrator, I have the opportunity to become better by continuously being able to inspire teachers, students and the whole community, the stakeholders   and be able to see what the most effective teachers do. Through the use of different technologies such as blogging and Twitter, we open up our classrooms to other educators not only in our own schools, but to schools around the world to bring them in on this collaboration.  As I always focus on “what is best for students”, it is crucial that we look  to not only help our own students, but how we can help other students from around the globe as well.  As we tell our students when they walk into our schools, we must ensure that we create a culture of sharing within our own community to learn from others around the world, as well as within our own community.  The most innovative environments outside of school tap into the “wisdom of the room” and bring in different voices to continuously learn and grow; schools must do the same.

          With the implementation of K-12 Curriculum, the Junior and Senior High School, our society continues to change, schools need to adapt to best serve our students for their future as well as their present.  Those that are willing to adapt and learn from change now, will be the ones that are most likely to be successful in the future.  As we see different jobs being created in our world, while other jobs are becoming irrelevant, we look to develop the next generation of entrepreneurs in schools.  This is often created by instilling a sense of “entrepreneurial spirit” within educators that are always looking to develop and further the organization.



Deworming of pupils by the DepEd Nurse,Sir Ignacio Romero