Dealing with Rejection


Keeping your brain focused helps the mind to recognize ,to accept the rejection .” as a blessing, into a more positive way and the result is humility. Awareness is the first step towards change.If you love your life , don't waste it, deal the storm clouds gently and with happy heart and make your own history.


1.  Acknowledge  Your Emotions

When there is pain in emotions  brought about by other people ,instead of  suppress, ignore, or deny the pain, smart people acknowledge their emotions. They admit when they're embarrassed, sad, disappointed, or discouraged. They have confidence in their ability to deal with uncomfortable emotions head-on, which is essential to coping with their discomfort in a healthy manner.The best way to deal with uncomfortable emotions is to face them head-on.
Manage your emotions. Be calm , do not let your anger overcome you.Practice Emotional intelligence . Your ability to recognize and understand emotions in yourself and others will lead to a better behavior and relationships.The ability to use this awareness to manage your behavior and relationships , will brought a peaceful disposition.
Enchance your courage. Ignore the people who do not like you,They are not the only friends around.Being alone is not a sin rather going to them and feel sad.
Think about all of the positives that you will experience if you are courageous and seek to learn everything that you can about the causes of and circumstances of your rejection.
Wear your sweetest smile. . Do that every morning and you'll start to see a big difference
in your life..

2.  Take  rejection as proof of your limits

Smart strong people know that rejection serves as proof that they're living life to the
 fullest. They expect to be rejected sometimes, and they're not afraid to go for it, even 
when they suspect it may be a long shot.Keep moving. If the door are closed, you 
open another window.
3. Treat Yourself  With Compassion
Instead of being sorry in the corner," smart strong people treat themselves 
with compassion. They respond to negative self-talk with a kinder, more affirming 
message.Always remember,nothing is permanent , it will surely change the 
atmosphere of rejection.There is no pain that time will not heal.

Rejection is not the greatest  lost in life,As Philip Sweet  said Stay true to yourself, yet always be open to learn. Work hard, and never give up on your dreams, even when nobody else believes they can come true but you. These are not cliches but real tools you need no matter what you do in life to stay focused on your path. 

4. Refuse to Let Rejection Define Them

Smart  people don't make sweeping generalizations when they're rejected. If one company turns them down for a job, they don't declare themselves incompetent. Or, if they get rejected by a single love interest, they don't conclude they're unlovable. They keep rejection in proper perspective.
Life is a journey that must be traveled no matter how bad the roads and accommodations.Learn to play your cards.One person's opinion, or one single incident, should never define who you are. Don't let your self-worth depend upon other people's opinions of you. Just because someone else thinks something about you, doesn't mean it's true.

5. Learn From Rejection

Mentally strong people ask themselves, "What did I gain from this?" so they can learn from rejection. Rather than simply tolerate the pain, they turn it into an opportunity for self-growth. With each rejection, they grow stronger and become better.
Happiness is a choice ,you can choose to be happy even there are lots of rejections, what matter most is  your choice to let it  affect you or not.Whether you learn about areas in  your life that need improvement, or you simply recognize that being turned down isn't awful as you imagined, rejection can be a good teacher. Use rejection as an opportunity to move forward with more wisdom.Dare to be different .When love hurts you, dare to love again.