Monday, November 21, 2016

All About Direct Selling and Networking

All About Direct Selling and Networking
by Domitila L. Mapa,Ph.D

What is Direct Selling? What makes it different to that of a networker? Who is more successful, a Direct Seller or a Networker? 

Many people opted to be a direct seller as their additional work to augment their family income .But many times their products are not on cash basis.There customers are fond of two gives or 15/30 mode  which means they will pay on the 15th day or 30th day of the month for that is the day where they receive their salaries.It is seldom a consignment method of payment .
But some younger ones follow the networking approach, they are good and smart  in it,
They have an  unlimited access of  income  , it doesn't follow  how high  your education is, but how smart you are in dealing with people .Networking is about making connections  and building enduring, mutually beneficial relationships.Creating a group of acquaintances and associates and keeping it active through regular communication for mutual benefit. Networking is based on the question "How can I help?" and not with "What can I get?" Many  are afraid to venture in net working, but they want to  sell products.Though there are companies that offer direct selling with networking but still some are lukewarm and think that its is a scam .

To know more deeper, let's differentiate  Direct Selling to that of Networking .In  the end, it's you who will decide which path of success will you follow.

Direct Selling is an assertive, face-to-face  selling approach  where the independent salesperson commonly presents his product or service to a prospect at his work place, or office. it is a house to house sales, Companies tend to market higher-priced, one-time purchase items, such as Avon and Cook wares filters.Receiving customer feedback in person holds an advantage in adapting to market changes quickly.Residual income is money earned on successive sales. 

The majority of available profit is paid to the salesperson. Once the sale is complete, the direct salesperson moves on to the next customer to generate another potential sale. Although the direct salesperson earns a higher percentage than management, the potential for earning residual income is severely limited.Large businesses utilize widespread, intensive distribution methods to market products nationwide. Direct salespeople are often bound by sale territories, time and physical availability. The most successful direct salespeople only earn money on their personal sales. Growing a distribution force of other salespeople is normally reserved for sales managers

Multilevel Marketing is not actually marketing, but an additional technique to systematize and compensate direct salespeople. It is better depicted as a direct selling compensation plan where salespeople receive payment in a variety of ways. Multilevel marketing representatives also approach customers, but usually begin with a list of friends, relatives and other amiable acquaintances. Cosmetics, vitamins and other regularly restocked products are compatible with the multilevel marketing model. As consumers reorder consumable goods, this creates residual income and marks a distinction from direct sales. multi-level marketers earn much lower commissions on initial retail sales, but produce residual income from their customers' reorders. The greatest part of this commission is funneled to upper management on the multilevel marketing distribution line. The distributors are customers who also recruit more distributors. This can create levels of long-term residual income with management bonuses. According to the WFDSA, multilevel marketing offers independent business opportunities through building and training a distribution team to duplicate the selling process.

Therefore ,the difference between direct sales and multilevel marketing methods is
primarily in compensation arrangements.Both direct sales and multilevel marketing are avenues for businesses to retail their products straight to the consumer. Each selling method operates at the end of a chain of distribution that culminates with the buyer receiving the product or service. Personal selling is important in building customer relationships and communication. 


Saturday, November 19, 2016

11 Skills to Become Successful Entrepreneur

11 Skills to Become Successful Entrepreneur

by: Domitila L. Mapa,Ph.D

Listening is the start of  journey to success,

Many people want to earn in Network Marketing and yet they are not willing to listen and learn..When one is ready to become a student, the coach is ready to teach him  . Because no matter how much and how hard to teach you, you will not learn if you do not first choose to become a student.

For success is not an  accident. It is handwork, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice, and most of all, love of what you do.

Enjoy Capitalism.A social system based on the principle of individual rights


Here are the  11 Skills to Become Successful Entrepreneur

1.PERSUASION .This is an art of getting the trust of those around us.It refers to our convincing skill , the power to influence another person to join your en devour.Getting what you want is the main goal.
2.READING PEOPLE . This is like reading between the lines, the body language speaks louder than words.Knowing the person strong points and weak points helps us in our strategy on how to approach the person in order to get what he wants.

3. Sharing the Wealth. When you have clear objectives and the other person see the opportunity you are sharing and adopt to himself is an evident that you have shared the blessings.Only those who are open minded can receive their share of goodness.

4: Leverage.. It is a skill on duplicating oneself as many as possible sharing the common goal even you are at rest.It is the power used to to achieve a good result,  to produce more success at a very short span of time.Leverage is the advantageous condition of having relatively small amount of cost yield a relatively high level of returns.

5: Recruiting. It is an skill to influence more people to join your group .Who shares the same interest, goals and desires.It is the way of forming a community .It refers to the overall process of attracting,selecting and appointing qualified individual for a certain task .It brings good result .This is the life of an organization.People who will make you success.

6: Energy Management .It is how you carry out  yourself with enthusiasm .It is also known as stress management, how to deal in every situation that comes along.The high spirit that people will see from you will influence more people.The good vibes that generates from you will be result to successful relationship to business partners and other people that surrounds you.

7: How to Process Issues .How to address a situation at a give time.It is a set of tasks or activities that are designed to accomplish a specific goal for an organization.,however it is processes that can often face certain challenges that may prevent the goal from being reached. Bottle necking, miscommunication and a lack of resources may all contribute to the failure of the process. Though being calm and skill tof using the maximum efficiency to address  the situation can help solve issues.

8: Time  Management .In any work related ,or day to day activities, time is gold for successful result.Strong brands increase in value over time.AS cited by napoleon Hill, Do not wait, the time will never be just right.Start where you stand and work with whatever tools you may have at your command cause there are more good tools along the path.

9: How to Manage Money.Mapping Your Future is part of Money Management.Your money is a huge part of your life. It can determine what you can do and where you can go. Learning how to manage your money the right way is an important step toward taking control of your life.It is like time management .Understand where your money is coming from, where it's going to, and how to make sure that the way you manage your money falls in line with the values that matter most to you.

10.: How to Be Aggressively Patient .Waiting the right time is a sign of Patience,There is no short cut of success, we need a lot of time, effort, sacrifices.Focus is very important while waiting the good result equipped with right decisions.

11: Learning. Continue to upgrade your skills,Research more and equip your self for the new trends, new knowledge.Adopt it and be humble to the new learning .Read...Read....Read the best thing to help yourself.Learn more here.

Most can be learned with practice and by developing a winning attitude, especially if you set goals and apply yourself, through strategic planning, to reach those goals in incremental and measurable stages nothing is impossible.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Financial Education

    Financial Education 

by Domitila L. Mapa,Ph.D

How would you like that in the next few years, our school children will be talking about  entrepreneurship? How about seeing that we will be producing more entrepreneurs not merely employees? How do we teach financial education to them?

I want to share to you my collections of knowledge of my favorite authors, as we  observed school  prepares children to become efficient future employees, some have limited knowledge for simple marketing Now its time to trained pupils and  teachers to gain  Financial Education

When we say Financial Literacy  is the ability to understand how money works in the world: how someone manages to earn or make it, how that person manages it, how he/she invests it (turn it into more) and how that person donates it to help others.

"Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime." from a Chinese proverb.
When we say Financial Education is a programme of study that aims to equip young people with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to manage their money well.  High quality teaching ensures that learners  grow to understand their attitude to risk, and become aware of their own behavior and emotions when making financial decisions. It is also achieved through applied learning, for example as a context for teaching mathematics, where students grasp mathematical concepts through real-life scenarios.

Here are the Six Audio Book of  Trump and Kiyosaki .

      1. Why We Want You To Be Rich (Audio Book) Trump & Kiyosaki

2. Why We Want You To Be Rich (Audio Book) Trump & Kiyosaki

3. Why We Want You To Be Rich (Audio Book) Trump & Kiyosaki

4. Why We Want You To Be Rich (Audio Book) Trump & Kiyosaki

5. Why We Want You To Be Rich (Audio Book) Trump & Kiyosaki

6. Why We Want You To Be Rich (Audio Book) Trump & Kiyosaki

If you are looking for good company,Don't hesitate to ask me ,


Tuesday, November 8, 2016

The Aura of An Optimistic Smile

The Aura of An Optimistic Smile

by Domitila L. Mapa,Ph.D

Do You Want To Walk Around in Your Workplace Wearing The Aura of  Optimistic Smile That Every Other Person Envies? Do You Want To Pass On Your Charismatic And Contagious Aura Smile On To Your Friends?

Win the world with your positive attitude! Learn formulas and techniques in achieving unlimited success.
Have you ever wondered about the secrets of highly successful people? Do you envy those who bring sunshine and success with them wherever they go and they seem to attract that radiance to others? Well, let it rub off on you! Check this page  and find yourself wearing positive on every area of your life. And let success coming running to you! Yes, it's all about the positive mindset! Let success shine on your life now.

 What makes a person smile? Transform your mindset and let income streams follow. Be amazed at how tweaking a few thoughts could change your life. Enthusiasm And Never-die Outlook Towards Life.

I'll show you one thing that will bring out your aura smile.It is free membership ,you will gain more about it.

May I introduce you this  PropellerAds. Propeller Ads is an internet media company that is sharply focused on delivering the easiest, most effective, and reliable global digital advertising platform.The company was founded in 2011, out of a desire to create a better bridge between publisher and advertiser. We understand that both sides need to be equally catered for in order to have a truly successful network. Out of this idea our innovative user-friendly ecosystem was born, and with it our simple and direct mission statement – Advertise Easy. Read mor

So if you want to join, here is a link but i just want to tell you that i will be earning my bonus if you will join me Earn from referrals at propellerads .Like me ,you will also have that inspiring smile when you are with friends.

There are lots of reasons to join PropellerAds now:1.  Their goal: monetize 100% of your inventory 2.Approving almost all the sites even with small traffic volume 3.The highest CPMs for all countries  4.Running all ad formats 4.No malware guarantee in our advertising tags 5.A huge list of best advertisers 5.Minimal payout hold ever: net 30 payment policy 6.Different payment methods to choose 7.Minimal ad network commission: only 20% 8.Real-time online reporting of your activity and earnings 9.Dedicated personal customer service and support

See you on my next topic: All about being a Publisher.

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Dedicated to Teachers and OFWs

Dedicated to Teachers and OFWs

by Domitila L. Mapa,Ph.D

This page is dedicated to all,specially Teachers and OFWs who are interested in making extra income through joining the Ascento Business venture

Your 2999 Pesos can get you started on your journey to financial independence.Learn how to do it through joining in the Ascento Business. Just open your mind for the business while enjoying your work.

Does your ATM sold already? Have you been having sleepless nights thinking where to get additional weekly budget for our family, tuition fee for our children, you are thinking as well  how to augment your income to live the comfortable life you've been dreaming of?

Have you thought of investment, but don’t actually know how to start and how it works?

Congratultions!!! because you’re now

 here at the right place


Why Ascento Business?
And do you think that the ascento business is for those who like to sell perfume or wealthy people and not for a teacher or an OFW like yourself?
You’re not alone. I myself, many years ago thought that way, too. 
Years ago, I thought I've found the answers to my question on how to have additional income which does not stress me . So, I tried a buy and sell business - a small time franchising business. Unfortunately, with the demands of my day job as a teacher and due to lack of experience as well, obviously, it didn't go well. I even ended to high interest loans. Government loans were denied due to none deduction in the pay slip,Life then is so terrible.
So every now and then I joined in net workings, yes I'm earning but little, Until One Saturday , they introduced Ascento Parfum Business .I grab the opportunity but quite  lukewarm about it, sometimes trusting is difficult but I purchased one package.

But after attending series of seminars I realized that joining here  is not complicated at all, and that anyone can earn quite good .
It really was an answered prayer becasue I saw opportunities for my money to grow exponentially over time while doing my job. I’m no longer stressed out how to manage our weekly budget since the salary comes on monthly basis. Unlike before that I have to rush after work to physically carry the goods, sort items out and put them in big boxes and ship them to customers.

I  started to have multiple accounts after  few months ago and I actually saw how is gradually changing my financial life.

Here’s a fact: Buying one pack is not about how big or small your earnings is but it is important that you have started your journey.

May I ask these questions?
  • How many years have you been working?
  • How much was your first monthly Income?
  • How much is your salary now?
  • Were you able to save as your income grows?
If not, when will you start changing your financial life?
Will you be one of those teachers who almost have nothing after retirement because most of the retirement pay has been used up to pay their loans?
Will you be one of those OFWs that after working abroad for decades, they go home with nothing because they have sent and spent all their money while abroad?
From my experience, I’ve only got to have at least 2 days a week to work a financial miracle in my life. At least 2 days a week is all it takes.
I talked to friends/ fb friends and other acquaintances  which can be done all online, in the comfort of my room, or in restaurant  during class dismissal..
I even do all my online transactions on my smartphone while resting in the classrooms during short breaks. And that’s it.
See, while I’m earning by physically teaching in the classrooms, my money in the Ascento Business is also helping me earn.
But, this wasn’t easy. There were days when I start convincing myself not to continue anymore —because of some personal reasons. But with firm decision to reach my goal, I disciplined myself to regularly market and to network.
If you have a specific goal and have a deep understanding why you’re doing it, then it  will become a lifestyle
 But wait, before you begin
I’d like to warn you that this may not be for you.
This isn’t for you if you’re looking for a quick way to make millions.
If you are a teacher and an OFW - willing enough to INVITE  , TRAIN and DUPLICATE  —then this must be for you.
Joining this kind of business isn't a quick-rich scheme so don’t expect to gain your return of investment after a week or after a month.
This is  a network marketing, so start thinking and planning which friend you are going to invite and become a member..
This is YOU directly joining the business venture.
This is YOU directly managing your business.
This is YOU directly responsible for your FINANCIAL INDEPENDENCE.


So here’s my big question for you:
What will you do this year to start growing your finances? Will you do something now? Or will you just wait the promised bonuses or end up to loan here and loan there.
If you want the CHANGE to come to you, attend Ascento Product Presentation. You have NOTHING TO LOSE, you only have SOMETHING TO GAIN. 


I suggest that if you’re serious in learning to invest.Let's talk now business.
Meet  Mr. Benjamin Ordona, an accountant by profession ,he is the husband of the La Union Branch Manager Mrs.Cristy Ordona.They are very hard working and very supportive partners.

Ascento Marketing Plan

Meet the Management 

CEO Atty Marie Liza Chagas 

Choose what package do you want to start 
and the benefits of being a member 

You can earn through direct selling 
with 40% lifetime discount 

                   You can earn through
                        Referrals Bonus  

You can earn throughLeadership 
Bonus /Pass UP

You can earn through Sales Match Bonus

   You can earn through Multiple Accounts 


Make a decision and take action....

What are you waiting for? Ask your 
entry pack now and start your journey.
You can call 09076304727

DISCLAIMERS: The results and income examples shown on this website are extraordinary. They're designed to give you an idea of what's possible. Individual results may vary and are not guaranteed. Success in any business requires leadership effort, skills, commitment, and dedication.




Deworming of pupils by the DepEd Nurse,Sir Ignacio Romero